Etiqueta: Descripción
Appreciation of the human body and description of its parts
Appreciation of the human body and description of its parts In this unit, you will use English to describe the human body, and discover its beauty. Now that you know about the beauty and perfection of the human body, use the vocabulary from the video to complete the sentences. Actividad H5P Comprueba lo que aprendiste…
Intercambiar información personal y profesional sobre terceras personas
Intercambiar información personal y profesional sobre terceras personas An athlete leader in sport holds a formal or informal leadership role within a team and influences other group members in the pursuit of common objectives. In this unit we’ll use English to learn about what famous sports leaders are and have. Watch the video about affirmative…
Respeto por los estilos de vida juvenil para saber convivir In this unit we will exchange information towards adolescence using modal verbs to refer to abilities, permission; suggestions and offer possibilities for a healthy teenage lifestyle. Watch the following video called “Life Skills Every Teen Should Know”. Make a reflection on the content and answer…
Prepositions of place and adjectival phrases
Noción de espacio Prepositions of place:next to, behind, across from, in front of, on the left, on the right, in the corner, in, on at, above, below, at the top, at the bottom, at the back, in the front. Adjectival phrases with prepositions: the girl next to the house/ the lake in the middle of…
Qualitative adjectives to describe
Descripción de personas con respecto a su físico y a su personalidad In this section, you will describe people’s appearance as well as their personality by using different adjectives. Actividad H5P Comprueba lo que aprendiste y participa en este desafío.