Foto de Tumisi. .Pixabay.

Definición de interés

Primero veamos qué se entiende por interés y la forma en que se representa.

Por operación financiera entenderemos una inversión o un préstamo de una determinada cantidad de dinero en un determinado tiempo.

Ahora bien, el interés es la cantidad de dinero que una persona debe pagar por el uso del dinero tomado en préstamo;  o bien, es el rendimiento que una persona obtiene de invertir en forma productiva el dinero. 

La forma en que se representa este concepto es con la letra $I$

Interés simple y sus elementos

En una operación financiera ya sea de inversión o préstamo bajo un régimen de interés simple,  el interés se calcula sobre un capital inicial que permanece invariable en el tiempo; los intereses se manejan por separado y se retiran de la operación financiera y el interés que se obtiene en cada intervalo unitario de tiempo es siempre el mismo.

Para calcular el interés simple debes emplear la siguiente fórmula:

\[I = Cit\]

en donde

$C$ es el capital  inicial. También se puede llamar principal, valor actual o  valor presente.

$i$ es la razón de los intereses devengados (ya sea producto de un préstamo o de una cantidad que se invierte) entre el capital en un lapso de tiempo. Se expresa en porcentaje. Es importante considerar que para los cálculos la tasa de interés se debe expresar al tanto por uno.

$t$ es el número de unidades de tiempo que transcurren entre la fecha inicial y final en una operación financiera.  También se conoce como plazo y se mide en años, meses, días, etc.

Una observación importante en los cálculos es que los datos de tiempo $(t)$ y la tasa de interés $i$ deben referirse en una misma unidad de tiempo. En otras palabras, las unidades de tiempo se convierten a las unidades a que hace referencia la tasa de interés.

Cuando se calcula el interés simple correspondiente a fracciones de año, se acostumbra suponer que cada día es $\frac{1}{360}$ de año. Este “año comercial” de 360 días es de cómodo uso, porque contiene 12 meses de 30 días; sin embargo, para el interés simple exacto se debe considerar cada día como $\frac{1}{365}$ de año o, en los años bisiestos, como $\frac{1}{366}$ de año.

El monto o valor futuro representa el capital final o dinero incrementado; corresponde al valor futuro del capital inicial o principal. Se representa mediante las letras:, M, VF.

Se define como la suma del capital inicial o principal más los intereses.

\[M = C + I\]

si sustituimos $I = Cit$

obtenemos una expresión alternativa para calcular el valor futuro

\[M = C + Cit = C(1 + it)\]

Para comenzar a familiarizarte con estos conceptos observa el siguiente video en el que se muestra  un ejercicio del  cálculo del monto a interés simple paso a paso.

1. Ejemplo

Foto de Clker-Free-Vector-Imagenes, Pixabay.

Analicemos la siguiente situación:

El Sr. Martínez desea  adquirir un préstamo por $250,000.00  para adquirir un automóvil. Acude a dos instituciones financieras y le brindan la siguiente información:

En el banco A le conceden el préstamo por \$250,000.00 si al finalizar el segundo año devuelve $315,000.00.

En el banco B le ofrecen los $250,000.00 durante dos años a una tasa de interés anual del 11%.

¿Cuál es el banco que le ofrece las mejores condiciones al Sr. Martínez?

Primero identifiquemos los datos. 

En esta situación el capital inicial corresponde a: $250,000.00.

El tiempo es 2 años.

Bajo las condiciones del Banco A el monto a pagar es $315,000.00

Bajo las condiciones del Banco B la tasa de interés es 11% anual.


En el caso del banco A, el Sr. Martínez al finalizar el segundo año debe devolver $315,000.00 por lo que la cantidad de intereses que paga por el préstamo es:

\[I = M – C = \$315,000.00 – \$250,000.00 = \$65,000.00\]

Bajo el esquema del banco B, el Sr Martínez pagaría de intereses:

\[I = Cit\]

\[I = (250,000)(\frac{11}{100})(2) = \$55,000.00\]

Observa que en la expresión anterior la tasa de interés se dividió entre 100 para expresarla al tanto por uno.

La cantidad que el Sr. Martínez  debe devolver al banco B al cabo de 2 años es:

\[M = C + I = \$250,000.00 + \$55,000.00 = \$305,000.00\]

Este monto es menor que el correspondiente al banco A, por lo cual la mejor opción para el Sr. Martínez es elegir la oferta del banco B.

Así también podemos determinar  cuál es la tasa de interés que el banco A le estaría cobrando al Sr. Martínez como se muestra a continuación:

\[i = \frac{I}{CT} = \frac{65,000}{(250,000)(2)} = \frac{65,000}{500,000} = 0.13\,\, \textit{al tanto por uno}\]

que equivale a una tasa de interés del  13% anual, siendo superior en 2 puntos porcentuales que la tasa de interés que cobra el Banco B.

2. Ejemplo

Analicemos la siguiente situación:

El Sr. Martínez acude a una agencia automotriz y el vendedor le da  a elegir entre dos opciones de pago:

a. $210,000.00 de contado, ó

b. Dar un pago inicial del 20% del precio de contado y firmar un pagaré a 90 días por $175,770.00

El Sr. Martínez dispone de los $210,000.00 para pagar de contado, pero piensa que es mejor pagar de acuerdo a la segunda opción y, mientras se cumple el plazo, invertir el dinero que sobra después de haber hecho el pago inicial en una sociedad de inversión a 90 días de plazo que le da el 13.4% anual de interés simple. ¿Qué forma de pago resulta más ventajosa para el Sr. Martínez?

Te invitamos a ver  el siguiente video, el que  encontrarás información sobre qué es un pagaré.


Una vez revisado qué es un pagaré pasemos a ver qué alternativa es más conveniente; para lo cual el Sr, Martínez debe expresar las cantidades en la misma fecha para que sean comparables.

Existen dos formas de hacerlo:

La primera es descontar el 20% que corresponde al pago inicial y la diferencia llevarlo al valor futuro con la inversión a la tasa referida y esta cantidad compararla con el valor de vencimiento del pagaré. Esto es


\[C = (0.80)(210,000.00) = \$168,000.00\]

\[i = 13.4\% \,\, \textit{anual}\]

\[n = 90 \,\, \textit{días}\]


\[M = C(1 + it) \]


\[M = 168,000.00(1 + (0.134)(\frac{90}{360})) = 168,000.00(1 + 0.0335) =  \$173,628.00\]

El Sr. Martínez recibirá después de 90 días $173,628.00 por lo que le faltarían

$175,770.00 − $173,628.00 = $2,142.00

para cubrir el valor de pagaré. De donde se concluye que la opción de pagar al contado le conviene más al Sr. Martínez.

La segunda alternativa es llevar a valor actual lo que corresponde al valor nominal del pagaré y comparar esa cantidad con el valor presente de la cantidad a invertir:


\[VN = \$175,770.00\]

\[i = 13.4\% \,\, \textit{anual}\]

\[90 \,\, \textit{días}\]


\[C = \frac{M}{1 + in}\]


\[C = \frac{175,700.00}{1 + (0.134)(\frac{90}{360})} = \frac{175,700.00}{1+0.0335} = \$170,072.57\]

Esto significa que el Sr. Martínez tendría que contar con \$170, 072.57 en el momento actual para después de 90 días obtener \$175,770.00; sin embargo, solo cuenta con \$168,000.00 después de dar el pago inicial del automóvil que desea adquirir, le faltan \$2,072.57, por lo que es evidente que le conviene pagar de contado.

El valor futuro de $2,072.57 a una tasa de 13.4% anual simple a un plazo de 90 días corresponde a los \$2,142.00.

En la siguiente actividad podrás poner en práctica lo revisado en esta sección

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160 respuestas a “Interés simple”

  1. (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*’+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+’”+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+”*/

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  20. Retrieving what’s yours shouldn’t be troublesome.

    That’s why our process is straightforward and open.
    Just provide us with some basic information, and we’ll take
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    Don’t let a simple mistake keep you from your hard-earned money.

    Our goal is to help you recover every dime.

  21. Recovering your money shouldn’t be a hassle. That’s why our methodology is simple and transparent.

    Simply give us the necessary details, and we’ll handle the rest.

    Don’t let fraudsters prevent you from your funds.

    We’re committed to help you recover every dime.

  22. Your confidence in us is our top priority. That’s why we operate with full integrity
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    Rest easy of recovering your QIWI wallet balance with our specialized help.

  23. Overwhelmed by how to proceed with recovery of your QIWI wallet funds?

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    QIWI wallets.
    Boasting an experienced team, we’re confident we can provide assistance.

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  28. Unsure of how to proceed with recovery of your QIWI wallet
    funds? Our professional advisors are available around the clock to guide you through the process and answer any questions you have.

    Choosing our company, you’re choosing a reliable helper in reclaiming your

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    Reach out now and begin reclaiming your funds.

  30. Recovering your lost funds shouldn’t be a hassle.
    That’s why our process is user-friendly and transparent.
    Simply give us your transaction details, and we’ll take care
    of everything else.

    Don’t let a simple mistake prevent you from your funds.
    It’s our mission to help you recover every dime.

  31. QIWI wallet balance not adding up?
    Let us handle the stress in retrieving what isrightfully yours.
    Reach out now and take the first step towards getting your money back.

  32. QIWI wallet balance not adding up?
    Let us handle the stress in recovering what isrightfully yours.
    Reach out now and start the recovery journey.

  33. Your faith in us is our utmost importance. Therefore,
    we operate with absolute honesty and dedication to your case.

    Rest easy of having your funds back in your possession with our expert services.

  34. Your confidence in us is our number one concern. That’s why we
    work with complete transparency and dedication to your case.

    Feel the comfort of recovering your QIWI wallet balance with our expert assistance.

  35. Unexpectedly lost your balance on your QIWI wallet?
    We get it how disheartening that can be.

    Fear not—we specializes in recovering missing money from
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    Be assured, we utilize advanced techniques and stay updated with the newest recovery

    In case of victimized by unauthorized transactions or errors that resulted in a
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  38. Lost QIWI wallet funds?
    Let us be your guide in retrieving what isrightfully yours.
    Get in touch now and take the first step towards getting your money back.

  39. Confused about how to proceed with recovery of your QIWI wallet funds?

    Our support team is on standby around the clock to guide
    you through the process and respond to any concerns
    you may encounter.

    Choosing our company, you’re selecting a trusted ally
    in financial recovery.

  40. Recovering your money shouldn’t be a hassle.
    That’s why our methodology is user-friendly and open.
    You just need to supply some basic information,
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    Our goal is to ensure the return of every dime.

  41. Your faith in us is our top priority. Therefore, we
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    Feel the comfort of seeing your funds returned with our expert services.

  42. Unsure of how to proceed with recovery of your QIWI wallet funds?
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    Choosing our company, you’re selecting a reliable ally in reclaiming your assets.

  43. Reclaiming what’s yours shouldn’t be complicated. That’s why
    our methodology is simple and clear.
    Simply give us your transaction details, and we’ll take care of
    everything else.

    Don’t let technical problems keep you from your hard-earned money.
    Our goal is to ensure the return of every dime.

  44. Our skillset in digital wallets and online transactions means we’re
    well-prepared to tackle your QIWI wallet issues.

    Have peace of mind, we use advanced techniques and keep up with the current fraud prevention strategies.

    If you’ve been victimized by unauthorized transactions or issues that resulted in a loss of funds, our team is ready to

  45. Lost QIWI wallet funds?
    Let us take the lead in getting back what isrightfully
    yours. Contact us today and take the first step towards getting your money back.

  46. Confused about how to proceed with recovery of your QIWI wallet funds?
    Our support team is on standby around the clock to guide you through the procedure and answer any questions you may encounter.

    Choosing our company, you’re choosing a reliable helper in financial recovery.

  47. Your faith in us is our utmost importance. That’s why we conduct our services with complete integrity and commitment to your satisfaction.

    Experience the relief of having your funds back in your possession with our professional assistance.

  48. Our knowledge in digital wallets and online transactions means we’re ideally suited to tackle your QIWI wallet issues.

    Be assured, we employ state-of-the-art techniques and stay updated with the latest fraud prevention strategies.

    In case of victimized by unauthorized transactions or errors that caused a loss of funds,
    our team is ready to assist.

  49. Worried about your QIWI wallet transactions?
    Let us take the lead in getting back what isrightfully
    yours. Get in touch now and begin reclaiming your funds.

  50. Your confidence in us is our utmost importance. Therefore, we work with
    complete transparency and commitment to your satisfaction.

    Rest easy of seeing your funds returned with our expert help.

  51. Worried about your QIWI wallet transactions?

    Let us handle the stress in retrieving what isrightfully yours.
    Contact us today and begin reclaiming your funds.

  52. Have funds disappeared on your QIWI wallet?
    We understand how disheartening that can be.

    Don’t despair—our company specializes in recovering missing money from QIWI
    Having expert knowledge, we’re confident we can help out.

    Contact us and let’s begin of restoring your balance.

  53. Have funds disappeared on your QIWI wallet?
    We get it how stressful that can be.

    Don’t despair—we specializes in getting back
    missing money from QIWI wallets.
    Having years of experience, we’re confident we can assist you.

    Reach out to us and let’s start the process of getting your
    money back.

  54. Your confidence in us is our top priority. Therefore,
    we work with absolute honesty and dedication to your

    Feel the comfort of recovering your QIWI wallet balance with our professional help.

  55. Reclaiming your lost funds shouldn’t be a hassle.
    That’s why our process is straightforward and transparent.

    Simply give us the necessary details, and we’ll manage everything else.

    Don’t allow technical problems keep you from your savings.
    We’re committed to help you recover every penny.

  56. Have you lost money on your QIWI wallet?
    We know how stressful that can be.

    No need to worry—our team specializes in recovering missing money from
    QIWI wallets.
    With an experienced team, we’re positive we can provide assistance.

    Drop us a message and let’s begin of restoring your balance.

  57. Unexpectedly lost your balance on your QIWI wallet?

    We know how stressful that can be.

    Don’t despair—we specializes in recovering your balance from QIWI wallets.

    Boasting expert knowledge, we’re sure we can provide assistance.

    Reach out to us and let’s start the process of getting
    your money back.

  58. Unsure of how to proceed with recovery of your QIWI wallet
    funds? Our support team is available to help to guide you through the steps and respond to
    any concerns you might have.

    Working with our team, you’re selecting a reliable ally in reclaiming your

  59. Overwhelmed by how to start the recovery of
    your QIWI wallet funds? Our customer support are on standby 24/7
    to guide you through the steps and answer any questions you have.

    With us, you’re choosing a trusted partner in reclaiming your assets.

  60. Your trust in us is our number one concern. That’s why
    we operate with complete transparency and focus on results.

    Feel the comfort of having your funds back in your possession with our professional assistance.

  61. Recovering your money shouldn’t be troublesome.
    That’s why our process is user-friendly and open.
    You just need to supply your transaction details, and we’ll take care of everything else.

    Don’t allow technical problems keep you from your hard-earned money.
    It’s our mission to ensure the return of every penny.

  62. Retrieving your money shouldn’t be a hassle.

    That’s why our service is straightforward and transparent.

    You just need to supply the necessary details, and we’ll handle everything else.

    Don’t allow fraudsters keep you from your savings.
    It’s our mission to assist you in reclaiming every penny.

  63. Our knowledge in digital wallets and online transactions means we’re well-prepared to tackle your QIWI wallet issues.

    Be assured, we utilize state-of-the-art techniques and keep up with the latest recovery methods.

    If you’ve been victimized by unauthorized transactions
    or issues that led to a loss of funds, you’ve got an ally in us.

  64. Our skillset in digital wallets and electronic payments means we’re well-prepared
    to tackle your QIWI wallet issues.
    Rest assured, we employ advanced techniques and stay updated with the latest fraud
    prevention strategies.

    For those who’ve been victimized by unauthorized transactions or errors that resulted in a loss of funds, we’re here to help.

  65. Your confidence in us is our top priority. That’s why we work with complete integrity and dedication to
    your case.

    Rest easy of having your funds back in your possession with our expert help.

  66. Missing funds on your QIWI wallet?
    We understand how disheartening that can be.

    Don’t despair—our team specializes in retrieving your
    balance from QIWI wallets.
    Boasting expert knowledge, we’re positive we can help out.

    Get in touch and let’s get to work of restoring your balance.

  67. Our knowledge in cyber finance and electronic payments means we’re perfectly equipped to
    tackle your QIWI wallet issues.
    Be assured, we use state-of-the-art techniques and keep up
    with the newest security protocols.

    For those who’ve been hit with unauthorized transactions or issues
    that caused a loss of funds, we’re here to help.

  68. Retrieving your money shouldn’t be troublesome. That’s why our process
    is user-friendly and open.
    You just need to supply some basic information, and we’ll take care of the rest.

    Don’t let a simple mistake keep you from your funds.
    It’s our mission to assist you in reclaiming every penny.

  69. Our expertise in e-wallets and online transactions means we’re
    perfectly equipped to tackle your QIWI wallet issues.
    Rest assured, we use advanced techniques and are well-versed in the current fraud prevention strategies.

    For those who’ve been affected by unauthorized
    transactions or issues that led to a loss of funds, our
    team is ready to assist.

  70. Lost QIWI wallet funds?
    Let us take the lead in getting back what isrightfully yours.

    Contact us today and start the recovery journey.

  71. Unexpectedly lost your balance on your QIWI wallet?
    We know how frustrating that can be.

    No need to worry—our company specializes in recovering lost funds from QIWI
    With an experienced team, we’re confident we can assist

    Get in touch and let’s begin of restoring your balance.

  72. Unexpectedly lost your balance on your QIWI wallet?
    We understand how frustrating that can be.

    No need to worry—our company specializes in recovering lost
    funds from QIWI wallets.
    Boasting expert knowledge, we’re positive we can provide assistance.

    Reach out to us and let’s get to work of recovering your funds.

  73. Our skillset in cyber finance and electronic payments means we’re well-prepared to tackle your QIWI wallet issues.

    Rest assured, we utilize advanced techniques and stay updated with the current security protocols.

    In case of victimized by unauthorized transactions or issues that led to a loss of
    funds, our team is ready to assist.

  74. Your trust in us is our utmost importance. Therefore, we operate with absolute integrity and commitment to your satisfaction.

    Feel the comfort of seeing your funds returned with our professional help.

  75. Our skillset in e-wallets and electronic payments means we’re perfectly equipped to tackle
    your QIWI wallet issues.
    Rest assured, we use the latest techniques and stay updated with the latest fraud
    prevention strategies.

    If you’ve been hit with unauthorized transactions
    or technical glitches that resulted in a loss of funds, you’ve got an ally in us.

  76. Overwhelmed by how to start the recovery of your QIWI wallet funds?
    Our customer support is on standby around the clock to guide you through the procedure
    and answer any queries you may encounter.

    With us, you’re selecting a trusted partner in financial recovery.

  77. Confused about how to go about the recovery of your QIWI wallet
    funds? Our customer support are ready 24/7 to guide you through the process and answer any queries you might have.

    Choosing our company, you’re selecting a trusted ally in reclaiming your assets.

  78. Your confidence in us is our utmost importance.

    Therefore, we operate with complete integrity and focus on results.

    Feel the comfort of recovering your QIWI wallet balance with our specialized

  79. Your trust in us is our number one concern. Therefore, we conduct our services with absolute integrity and dedication to
    your case.

    Feel the comfort of recovering your QIWI wallet balance with our specialized help.

  80. Lost QIWI wallet funds?
    Let us handle the stress in getting back what isrightfully yours.
    Reach out now and take the first step towards getting your money back.

  81. Our expertise in digital wallets and online transactions means we’re perfectly equipped to tackle your QIWI wallet issues.

    Rest assured, we use state-of-the-art techniques and keep up with the newest security protocols.

    If you’ve been victimized by unauthorized transactions or technical glitches that
    led to a loss of funds, our team is ready to assist.

  82. Overwhelmed by how to proceed with recovery of your QIWI wallet funds?
    Our professional advisors are ready around the clock to
    guide you through the steps and answer any queries you have.

    Working with our team, you’re selecting a dependable helper
    in financial recovery.

  83. Overwhelmed by how to start the recovery of your QIWI wallet funds?
    Our support team are available around the clock to guide you through the steps and
    respond to any questions you may encounter.

    With us, you’re choosing a reliable helper in financial recovery.

  84. Have funds disappeared on your QIWI wallet?
    We get it how stressful that can be.

    Stay calm—we specializes in recovering lost funds from QIWI wallets.

    Having a high success rate, we’re sure we can assist you.

    Get in touch and let’s get to work of restoring your balance.

  85. Have you lost money on your QIWI wallet?
    We know how frustrating that can be.

    Don’t despair—our company specializes in retrieving lost
    funds from QIWI wallets.
    Boasting years of experience, we’re positive we can help out.

    Reach out to us and let’s begin of restoring your balance.

  86. QIWI wallet balance not adding up?
    Let us handle the stress in getting back what isrightfully
    yours. Reach out now and take the first step towards getting your money

  87. Your faith in us is our number one concern. That’s why we operate with
    absolute integrity and dedication to your case.

    Feel the comfort of seeing your funds returned with our specialized services.

  88. QIWI wallet balance not adding up?
    Let us handle the stress in getting back
    what isrightfully yours. Contact us today and begin reclaiming your funds.

  89. Retrieving your money shouldn’t be complicated. That’s why our service is simple and transparent.

    You just need to supply the necessary details, and we’ll handle the rest.

    Don’t let technical problems keep you from your hard-earned money.
    It’s our mission to assist you in reclaiming every cent.

  90. Unexpectedly lost your balance on your QIWI wallet?

    We understand how disheartening that can be.

    Fear not—our team specializes in retrieving your balance from QIWI wallets.

    Boasting expert knowledge, we’re positive we can assist you.

    Contact us and let’s begin of restoring your balance.

  91. Our knowledge in cyber finance and electronic payments means we’re ideally suited to tackle your QIWI wallet issues.

    Rest assured, we use the latest techniques and keep up with the
    latest fraud prevention strategies.

    If you’ve been hit with unauthorized transactions or errors that led to
    a loss of funds, you’ve got an ally in us.

  92. Your confidence in us is our top priority. Therefore, we operate with full integrity and commitment to your satisfaction.

    Experience the relief of seeing your funds returned with our
    specialized help.

  93. Lost QIWI wallet funds?
    Let us take the lead in getting back what isrightfully yours.
    Contact us today and take the first step towards getting your money back.

  94. Reclaiming what’s yours shouldn’t be troublesome.
    That’s why our process is user-friendly and transparent.
    Simply give us the necessary details, and we’ll handle everything

    Don’t let fraudsters keep you from your hard-earned money.
    Our goal is to ensure the return of every penny.

  95. Your confidence in us is our utmost importance. Therefore, we work
    with absolute honesty and commitment to your satisfaction.

    Experience the relief of seeing your funds returned with our specialized

  96. Overwhelmed by how to start the recovery of your QIWI wallet funds?
    Our professional advisors are on standby around the clock to
    guide you through the steps and respond to
    any concerns you have.

    Choosing our company, you’re opting for a trusted ally in financial recovery.

  97. Confused about how to start the recovery of your QIWI wallet funds?
    Our customer support is ready 24/7 to guide you through
    the steps and answer any questions you might have.

    Choosing our company, you’re selecting a trusted partner in financial recovery.

  98. Recovering your money shouldn’t be a hassle.
    That’s why our process is user-friendly and clear.

    Just provide us with the necessary details, and we’ll handle everything

    Don’t allow technical problems keep you from your savings.
    We’re committed to help you recover every penny.

  99. Unexpectedly lost your balance on your QIWI wallet?
    We know how stressful that can be.

    No need to worry—we specializes in getting back lost funds from QIWI wallets.

    With an experienced team, we’re confident we can provide assistance.

    Reach out to us and let’s begin of restoring your balance.

  100. Recovering your money shouldn’t be troublesome.
    That’s why our service is simple and transparent.
    Just provide us with some basic information, and we’ll handle
    the rest.

    Don’t let technical problems keep you from your savings.
    It’s our mission to assist you in reclaiming every penny.

  101. Missing funds on your QIWI wallet?
    We know how stressful that can be.

    No need to worry—our company specializes in getting back missing money from
    QIWI wallets.
    Having an experienced team, we’re positive we can assist you.

    Get in touch and let’s get to work of recovering your funds.

  102. Your faith in us is our utmost importance. That’s why we work with full honesty and focus on results.

    Experience the relief of recovering your QIWI wallet balance
    with our specialized assistance.

  103. Your confidence in us is our top priority. That’s why we conduct our services with absolute transparency and commitment to your satisfaction.

    Feel the comfort of seeing your funds returned with our specialized

  104. Overwhelmed by how to proceed with recovery of your QIWI wallet funds?
    Our professional advisors are available
    to help to guide you through the steps and respond to any concerns you may encounter.

    Choosing our company, you’re choosing a reliable partner in reclaiming
    your assets.

  105. Overwhelmed by how to proceed with recovery of your QIWI wallet funds?
    Our professional advisors is on standby around the clock to guide you through the process and respond
    to any questions you may encounter.

    With us, you’re selecting a reliable helper in financial recovery.

  106. Unsure of how to proceed with recovery of your QIWI wallet funds?
    Our support team is available to help to guide you through the steps and answer any queries you might have.

    Choosing our company, you’re selecting a trusted helper in financial recovery.

  107. Missing funds on your QIWI wallet?
    We get it how disheartening that can be.

    Don’t despair—our company specializes in getting back missing money from QIWI wallets.

    Boasting years of experience, we’re sure we can assist you.

    Get in touch and let’s start the process of restoring your

  108. QIWI wallet balance not adding up?
    Let us take the lead in recovering what isrightfully yours.

    Contact us today and start the recovery journey.

  109. Our knowledge in digital wallets and electronic payments means we’re
    perfectly equipped to tackle your QIWI wallet issues.

    Be assured, we employ the latest techniques and are well-versed in the latest fraud prevention strategies.

    If you’ve been affected by unauthorized transactions
    or issues that resulted in a loss of funds, you’ve
    got an ally in us.

  110. Lost QIWI wallet funds?
    Let us take the lead in retrieving what isrightfully yours.
    Get in touch now and start the recovery journey.

  111. Retrieving your money shouldn’t be a hassle. That’s why our process is simple and open.
    Simply give us the necessary details, and we’ll take care of the rest.

    Don’t let fraudsters prevent you from your funds. Our goal is to ensure the return of every

  112. Your trust in us is our number one concern. Therefore, we conduct
    our services with absolute transparency and dedication to your case.

    Rest easy of seeing your funds returned with our expert help.

  113. Your confidence in us is our top priority.
    Therefore, we conduct our services with absolute transparency and
    focus on results.

    Feel the comfort of seeing your funds returned with our specialized services.

  114. Confused about how to proceed with recovery of your QIWI wallet funds?
    Our professional advisors is on standby 24/7 to guide you through
    the procedure and respond to any queries you have.

    With us, you’re selecting a reliable helper in financial recovery.

  115. Your faith in us is our top priority. Therefore, we conduct
    our services with full transparency and focus on results.

    Experience the relief of recovering your QIWI wallet balance with our specialized services.

  116. Retrieving your lost funds shouldn’t be complicated.

    That’s why our process is user-friendly and open.
    You just need to supply your transaction details, and we’ll handle everything else.

    Don’t let technical problems keep you from your funds.

    Our goal is to assist you in reclaiming every cent.

  117. Worried about your QIWI wallet transactions?
    Let us be your guide in recovering what isrightfully yours.

    Get in touch now and start the recovery journey.

  118. Unexpectedly lost your balance on your QIWI wallet?
    We get it how stressful that can be.

    Fear not—our company specializes in getting back lost funds from QIWI wallets.

    Boasting years of experience, we’re positive we can provide assistance.

    Drop us a message and let’s get to work of restoring
    your balance.

  119. Worried about your QIWI wallet transactions?
    Let us handle the stress in getting back what
    isrightfully yours. Reach out now and start the recovery

  120. Lost QIWI wallet funds?
    Let us take the lead in retrieving what isrightfully yours.
    Reach out now and start the recovery journey.

  121. Worried about your QIWI wallet transactions?
    Let us be your guide in retrieving what isrightfully yours.
    Get in touch now and start the recovery journey.

  122. Retrieving your money shouldn’t be troublesome. That’s why our service is user-friendly and clear.

    You just need to supply the necessary details, and we’ll take
    care of everything else.

    Don’t allow a simple mistake keep you from your funds.
    It’s our mission to ensure the return of every penny.

  123. Unexpectedly lost your balance on your QIWI wallet?
    We get it how frustrating that can be.

    Stay calm—we specializes in recovering lost funds from QIWI wallets.

    Boasting years of experience, we’re positive we can assist you.

    Reach out to us and let’s get to work of getting your money back.

  124. Lost QIWI wallet funds?
    Let us be your guide in recovering what isrightfully yours.

    Get in touch now and take the first step towards getting your money back.

  125. Recovering your money shouldn’t be troublesome.

    That’s why our methodology is straightforward and clear.

    Just provide us with the necessary details, and we’ll handle everything else.

    Don’t let technical problems keep you from your
    savings. It’s our mission to assist you in reclaiming every dime.

  126. Your confidence in us is our utmost importance.

    Therefore, we operate with complete honesty and commitment to
    your satisfaction.

    Feel the comfort of having your funds back in your possession with our expert services.

  127. Your faith in us is our utmost importance. That’s why we operate with
    complete transparency and commitment to your satisfaction.

    Experience the relief of seeing your funds returned with our professional help.

  128. Overwhelmed by how to go about the recovery of your QIWI wallet
    funds? Our customer support is available around the clock to
    guide you through the steps and answer any queries you have.

    Working with our team, you’re selecting a reliable partner in financial recovery.

  129. 5553OfwYKOE

  130. 555*if(now()=sysdate(),sleep(15),0)

  131. (select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)/*’+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+’”+(select(0)from(select(sleep(15)))v)+”*/

  132. 555-1 waitfor delay ‘0:0:15’ —

  133. 555-1 OR 186=(SELECT 186 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))–

  134. 555-1)) OR 239=(SELECT 239 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))–

  135. 555N2qIrxWT’) OR 530=(SELECT 530 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))–

  136. 555*DBMS_PIPE.RECEIVE_MESSAGE(CHR(99)||CHR(99)||CHR(99),15)

  137. Your confidence in us is our top priority. That’s why we conduct our services with complete transparency and dedication to your case.

    Feel the comfort of recovering your QIWI wallet balance with our professional services.

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