Categoría: Inglés II
Expressing suggestions and giving pieces of advice
Let’s talk about Modals and Expressions. Watch the video Now you will use Modals must and should as well as the corresponding expressions to suggest and give pieces of advice. Watch the images and then drag the expression that matches it. Actividad H5P Comprueba lo que aprendiste y participa en este desafío.
Noción de tiempo presente y pasado, aspecto perfecto
Noción de tiempo presente y pasado, aspecto perfectoDescripción de características generales vigentes a lo largo del tiempo en un país Geography has made us neighbors. History has made us friends. Economics has made us partners and necessity has made us allies Our present lifestyles, economic conditions and political situation are the result of the evolution…
Relatar y describir el tiempo y la secuencia de los eventos pasados en las vidas de grandes filósofos
As you noticed, most of the main philosophers or at least those who established the basis of Philosophy are not alive anymore. This is why we use past simple to describe the time and sequence of events in the lives of these great philosophers. Watch the video on Past Simple Tense. How well did you…
In this section you will interchange personal and professional information about others. Also you will describe the time and place in which temporary and permanent activities are done. Let’s start! Personal and professional information refers to, either general facts and habits that are true in the present time or non-habitual actions that are in progress…