As you noticed, most of the main philosophers or at least those who established the basis of Philosophy are not alive anymore. This is why we use past simple to describe the time and sequence of events in the lives of these great philosophers.
Watch the video on Past Simple Tense.

How well did you pay attention? Let’s review some basic elements of the Past Simple Tense.
Answer the following activities based on the video “Past Simple Tense”. If at the end you have doubts, watch the video again or go to Apoyo Académico para la Educación Media Superior or Unidades de Apoyo Para el Aprendizaje (UAPAs) where you can review the differences between three past tenses.

“Past Simple Tense”

Imagen de Nayeli Cortés Velasco. Wikimedia Commons.
Next, you will learn and practice about the time and sequence of past events using as context philosophers’ biographies.
When we referred to Past Simple Tense characteristics, you learnt that events or things not only happened in a “past time” but that they were completed actions which happened at a specific time.
Can you identify the time of specific events? We usually use a timeline (like the one below) to specify the time of events.

If you pay attention to the timeline, you will see that the time when the events happened are not only years; there are phrases that we can use to signal time like, years later, adulthood, final years.
Another relevant aspect to pay attention to is that all the events are placed in chronological order.
Actividad H5P
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